Notizie dal EurOmnis 18 ottobre 2012
Notizie dal EurOmnis 18 ottobre 2012
The Challenge Due to its success, Animal process tens of millions of records a day through its IBM iSeries system which is replicated onto a SQL Server for reporting purposes and, more recently, for feeding records into its [...]
Argomenti principali: - Our Dutch customer To-Increase relates how they use VARCHART XGantt to control projects - Watch our video about NETRONIC Silverlight Gantt Control - A new build containing interesting enhancements is available for VARCHART JGantt 3.0 - A [...]
Arena Computex Invitation meet us in booth Taiwan, K402, 404, 501, 503 MaxTronic International vi invita a Computex 2012 con le sue linee di prodotto performanti, ottimizzate e di alto valore. The complete range fulfills the need of multiple applications [...]
Tiger Logic Java Script Client: Omnis Studio 5.2
Nuove caratteristiche di Appeon 6.5.1 for PowerBuilder Supporto per PowerBuilder 12.5 Classic Supporto a argomenti encoding nelle DataWindows SaveAs e File Functions Supporto per Teradata, un ulteriore soluzione per il data-warehouse Supporto Microsoft Azure Cloud Compatibilità con le ultime [...]