18 05, 2023

Syniti Replicate (formerly DBMoto)

2023-05-18T08:24:18+02:0018 Maggio, 2023|

Entrega de datos perfecta para informarle en tiempo real Experimente el poder de Syniti Replicate, la solución perfecta para replicar sus datos en tiempo real. Libere el potencial de su organización con acceso instantáneo a datos actualizados entre un amplio [...]

28 07, 2022

CASO DE ÉXITO Cromogenia mejora la precisión de sus datos y a la vez reduce sus costos

2022-07-28T16:47:29+02:0028 Luglio, 2022|

Cromogenia-Unitis SA, se especializa en la manufactura de productos químicos para una gran variedad de industrias. El constante crecimiento y expansión de la compañía en España, Argentina, México y China ha impactado significativamente en los volúmenes de los datos que [...]

28 07, 2022

CASO DE ÉXITO Desafíos para disponibilidad de los datos en entidad de gobierno local

2022-07-28T16:46:08+02:0028 Luglio, 2022|

El Ayuntamiento de Calviá, una entidad publica responsable por la gestión y administración de la ciudad española de Calviá en Mallorca, enfrentaba un desafío en su programa de aseguramiento de la continuidad del negocio. Ellos necesitaban una solución que realizara [...]

28 07, 2022

CASO DE ÉXITO Osborne demanda por datos entre sus múltiples plataformas

2022-07-28T16:43:07+02:0028 Luglio, 2022|

Osborne, un renombrado productor de alimentos y bebidas en España, enfrento dos desafíos en sus sistemas de gestión de datos: conectar su sistema interno de inventarios a su sistema de gestión comercial mientras aseguran que los datos sean precisos todo [...]

16 06, 2022

Syniti Data Matching

2022-06-21T15:22:14+02:0016 Giugno, 2022|

The problem: Data is Messy Use cases: Where do we Find Matching? Matching: Considerations Conventional matching: Vulnerable to Errors in Data Syniti matching: Intelligent parsing bring your Data as is Enhanced algorithm: Understanding Pronunciation Contextual scoring: Human-Like Perception Performance Transliteration [...]

16 06, 2022

Data Matching -Overview

2022-06-21T15:24:18+02:0016 Giugno, 2022|

It's Science. Conventional wisdom would have you believe that matching and deduping are more art than science: accuracy purely a function of skill and experience and not the tools available to a user. At Syniti, we know the exact opposite [...]

31 07, 2019

DBMoto Success Stories: PERI

2021-05-25T17:11:53+02:0031 Luglio, 2019|

Informix Data for Modern Business Intelligence Solutions To meet its commitment to timely, accurate decisionmaking, PERI fi rst introduced a business information system at the departmental level with extensive reporting capabilities and fl exible output management. Data is acquired from the self-developed ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) [...]

31 07, 2019

DBMoto Success Stories: JAS Forwarding Worldwide

2019-07-31T15:03:09+02:0031 Luglio, 2019|

“Some of DBMoto’s key differentiators were its ease of use and its excellent software documentation.” “Before DBMoto, we didn’t trust any other ETL software for IBM DB2 for i!” Alfredo Santos Wintel Application Development Manager JAS Forwarding Worldwide

31 07, 2019

DBMoto Success Stories: EFCO Corporation

2019-07-31T14:59:37+02:0031 Luglio, 2019|

“We mostly run Mirroring operations on DBMoto, sourcing data from the applications that run on the AS/400 and feeding it to SQL Server. We have approximately 200 active mirroring operations that run continuously. Many of these we run at 10 times the design speed, i.e., we read the IBM i [...]

31 07, 2019

DBMoto Success story: McDougall Energy Inc.

2019-07-31T14:57:26+02:0031 Luglio, 2019|

“Instead of using SQL replication and having to battle with unknown errors with little to no support, we needed a better solution. And with such a small team, we needed to reduce our time re-inventing the wheel and instead find [...]

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