Euromnis 2024
 days / 20 talks  Awesome and great speakers

Except for the traditional classroom tracks, all daily (morning and afternoon) sessions take place in a “conference landscape“ in the hotel which has been transformed to a “EurOmnis activity center“
View the session schedule from prior years by ‘selecting conference’ from the popup. The actual 2024 session schedule is determined just before the conference to optimize opportunities to attend sessions, a quaint and flexible historical practice that really works.

Click here to go to Euromnis 2024 web site



EurOmnis is 4 fully packed days, 11 prominent and knowledgeable speakers in the Omnis world, around 30 different subjects, plus lectures, forums, and more than 300 hours of learning.
OmnisTAP In Depth
Learn how to add automated testing to both new and existing code with OmnisTAP for fun and profit.
This class builds upon the introduction to OmnisTAP offered in DevOps with Omnis Studio.

Placing JavaScript Client on Steroids
The JS-Client libraries are open source; learn how to customize them to your advantage….