Duration: 4 days
- Define glossary terms
- Distribute model templates using the Library
- Create and manage conceptual and logical data models
- Generate and manage physical data models
- Generate database creation scripts
- Produce implementation details, such as triggers, procedures, and views
- Reverse engineer an existing database to create physical, logical and conceptual models
- Utilizing Impact & Lineage analysis in complex modeling environment
- Compare and merge models
- Synchronize physical data models with databases
- Manage large models and multiple designers using the PowerDesigner Repository
- Create effective reports on PowerDesigner models
- SAP PowerDesigner
   Identifying Key Components of the SAP PowerDesigner Environment
   Creating a Project in the Workspace
- Conceptual Data Models (CDMs) and Logical Data Models (LDMs)
   Applying Model Properties and Options
   Creating Entities and Domains
   Creating Relationships in CDMs and LDMs
   Creating Inheritance Links in a Model
   Checking a CDM
- Physical Data Models (PDMs)
   Generating a PDM from Another Model
   Implementing Data Integrity Checks in a PDM
   Creating Views, Stored Procedures, and Triggers
   Creating Indexes and Alternate Keys
   Checking a PDM
   Generating a Database from a PDM
   Reverse Engineering from a Database
- Model Synchronization
   Comparing Models
   Merging Models
   Synchronizing Models
- Model Organization
   Creating and Modifying a Package
   Creating a Diagram
   Creating a Package from a Diagram
   Creating a Dependency Matrix
- Reporting
   Creating a Report Template
   Creating a Report
   Generating a Report
   Creating a Multi-Model Report
- Impact Analysis
   Creating Requirements
   Creating a Link Between Models
   Generating an Impact Analysis Model (IAM)
- The Repository
   Creating a Glossary
   Modifying Documents in the Repository
   Setting up a Repository Workflow
   Integrating Changes Across Repository Branches
   Managing a Repository
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