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  • Andrea Guidi
      • Intermediate
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      Post count: 99

      Softpi training
      LinkedIn newsletter April 17, 2023

      We invite young people to consider the career of software developers for their future, if only because in 2025 our planet will have a shortage of 5.5 million IT experts, a good part of which are developers (Gartner, 2020).

      Individual choice passes through an attraction/repulsion dualism whose developments in large numbers are not easy to predict. On the one hand, in the bursting of new seductive methods and information technologies, there is a complete intriguing mix between the digital world, which permeates all of society, and the work of programming. On the other hand, the developer often imagines himself projected over the course of a few years into a repetitive job, not sufficiently stimulating and undervalued even in economic terms.

      How will I fare if I take the path of IT studies? The more or less positive outcomes of one’s career certainly do not end with the initial choice, but depend on the directions that one takes from time to time during studies first, then in work.

      As far as we are concerned, like Softpi, we try to make a contribution by offering courses on the technologies on which we have the most experience, on the software products that we offer and/or on which we offer services by history and vocation.

      We have opened “the academy”, the name is a bit bombastic we know, but fashion is fashion and opposing it at least in terms of terminology is sometimes worse than better.

      The Softpi academy is bilingual Italian/Spanish and completely free. Everyone can participate, young people are the first invited, and the technologies covered can be used at no cost for the period necessary for the courses. To the video sessions, which can be used at the student’s preferred time, we have accompanied, on a monthly basis, a live lesson that allows you to freely ask questions, listen to the teacher’s answers together, answers supported by practical examples, and interact.

      We are currently adding the possibility for students to reserve one-on-one private reception meetings with the teacher. We directly support training interventions at universities, high schools, professional institutes. This year together with Cauto, thanks to Nicola Corini, Michele Pasinetti and Laura Rossetti, system tutor of the C.F.P. Zanardelli of Brescia, we held an Omnis Studio web and mobile programming course for a class of the Institute.

      For us, a really important experience. For the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança in Portugal we held a programming course in English for a selected group of computer science students, thanks to the collaboration with Professor Rui Pedro Lopes and Fabrizio Ponti from Ncloud. For the University of Israel in Quito, Ecuador thanks to José Murgueytio Martínez, we have held an advanced programming course in Spanish for the professors of the institute. For computer science students and in presence, we held a training course to create cross-platform apps for the Pontifical University of Salamanca in Spain, thanks to the collaboration of Francisco Ramos.

      We would like to increase these interventions, especially jointly with our old and new partners in the area, both in institutes and universities.

      In other ways, but always remaining in the field of software development, we are Certified Appeon Consulting Partner and we offer courses of any level on PowerBuilder PowerServer in English and Italian. For the more systemic aspects we offer training on SAP/Sybase databases such as SQL Anywhere and ASE, MS SQL Server, tools such as Crystal Reports.

      Finally, hoping that many young people will return to choosing IT professions, we humorously quote a proverb that buzzes in our heads “Those who know do, those who don’t know teach”, preferring its opposite: “To teach you must first learn”. Not in all situations the second statement is true, as the song “Dipende” says.

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        The forum trainings can help the new users to use the services of the community.

          • Newbie
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          Thanks for sharing!

            • Newbie
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            Yes very right!

              • Newbie
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              thank you for sharing information!

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