SAP Sybase PowerBuilder

La nuova generazione di PowerBuilder è iniziata il 30 Giugno 2017 PowerBuilder 12.6 è l’ultima versione SAP, per le successive versioni Appeon click qui
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PowerBuilder 12.6
Supporto ai sistemi operativi: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition 32-bit e 64-bit Service Pack 2 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 32-bit e 64-bit Service Pack 1 Microsoft Windows 8 e 8.1 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 32-bit e 64-bit with Service Pack 2 (è supportato il runtime) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (è supportato il runtime) Con PowerBuilder Classic e PowerBuilder .NET si possono usare i datasource OData.
Con PowerBuilder Classic si possono creare applicazioni native a 64-bits.
Con PowerBuilder Classic si possono configurare comportamenti delle finestre figlie che si aprono dento una finestra MDI con proprietà delle Dockable Windows.
Stato di persistenza nella MDI tra le altre novità.
Indice della scheda delle novità in inglese:
OData Support Database Profile Setup – OData Dialog Box Connection Tab Certificate Tab Proxy Server Tab Preview Tab Database Painter Create a DataWindow Using an OData Service Set the Connection Information for the OData Service
64-Bit Windows Applications
Dockable Windows Window Types and Docking States Open Sheets in a Specific State OpenSheetAsDocument PowerScript function OpenSheetWithParmAsDocument PowerScript function OpenSheetDocked PowerScript function OpenSheetWithParmDocked PowerScript function OpenSheetInTabGroup PowerScript function OpenSheetWithParmInTabGroup PowerScript function Opening Docked Windows and Tabbed Document Windows Persist the MDI State SetSheetID PowerScript Function SaveDockingState PowerScript function LoadDockingState PowerScript function OpenSheetFromDockingState PowerScript function OpenSheetWithParmFromDockingState PowerScript function CommitDocking PowerScript function Properties for Dockable Windows SAP PowerBuilder 12.6 dettaglio delle novità (in inglese)
THE DATAWINDOW It really needs no other introduction than that. It’s still the fastest and easiest component for data access around. You may have been required to supplement your PowerBuilder development with C# or Java over the past few years, and if you’re like everyone else in that boat, you’ve missed the DataWindow. Badly. We’ve added many enhancements to the beloved DataWindow in this release. There are new features for the Win32 ataWindow and there are new features for the completely re-written WPF DataWindow. Let’s start with what’s new for .NET. We’ve added the ability to access the data in all the DataWindow buffers while in the debugger. Yes, we cheered for this one, too. We’ve also added auto-size width functionality to complement the auto-size height that we’ve always had, so now there is Auto-Width column support for the Grid style DataWindows. And, we’ve updated the graph functionality with a sophisticated new Candlestick presentation style, something used extensively in the financial and medical industries. We’ve also enhanced other DataWindow functionality as well tomake your life even easier, so you can bring your applications to market even faster. We’ve added AutoWidth Column for the grid style for the Win32 DataWindow too, as well as new properties for DataWindow Controls, support for RTF, images, and user-drawn controls. And, you can now share datasources with a .NET application. Many customers need to build applications that interact with a variety of datasources, and now you can share an ADO .NET connection between a Windows 32 app and a .NET application. Just because we are focusing on .NET doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten that a large segment of our customer base is still committed to supporting and using many Win32 features, including the DataWindow.
Core Development Technology, Geared Up.
PowerBuilder 11.5 fornisce la tecnologia necessaria per creare rapidamente applicazioni Smart Clients, applicazioni a due livelli e applicazioni Web per piattaforme diverse come JEE, Win32 e .NET. Per più di diciassette anni, aziende e sviluppatori hanno scelto PowerBuilder per realizzare applicazioni di business: sicure, facilmente gestibili, affidabili per offrire ai loro utenti esperti soluzioni moderne, sofisticate, di alta qualità. Tanto per creare moderne applicazioni di business quanto migrare applicazioni esistenti, PowerBuilder fornisce un vasto rango di opzioni per lo sviluppo, il doployment e il supporto che consente agli sviluppatori di costruire applicazioni mission critical che rispondono esattamente alle necesittà degli utenti. In questa nuova release PowerBuilder 11.5 porta notevoli miglioramenti all’interoperabilità .NET, Le innovazioni della DataWindow e le altre nuove funzionalità semplificano il Vostro lavoro, rendono le Vostre applicazioni più robuste e il Vostro sviluppo più rapido. E, come sempre, PowerBuilder continua a rendere più chiaro il rapporto fra business e IT, facendo leva sul codice esistente, gli investimenti tecnologici, le conoscenze, tutto questo mentre incorpora gli ultimi paradigmi dello sviluppo. Download Matrice delle Edizioni (Enterprise, Professional, Desktop) e i datasheet
New Features and Capabilities in PowerBuilder 11.5 Enhanced .NET Support Strong-named assemblies Function calls on primitive and enumerate types Static member access
Native Database Support Oracle 11g MS SQL Server 2008
DataWindow and UI Enhancements PNG support Menus, toolbars, treeviews, DataWindows, picture, picture button Transparency Backgrounds with gradients and pictures Controls with gradients, transparency (as a percentage), tooltips Columns: Rich text edit style Graphs: 3D graph styles (also in stand-alone graph control)
Simplified Security Code Access Security Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) compliance
PocketBuilder Mobile Development and Application Server Plug-in Included for Free
PowerBuilder 11 IDE aperto che rende potente lo Sviluppo Rapido di Applicazioni grazie a una Tecnologia Leader che supporta .NET, XML, JSP, EJB, e Web Services: Smart Business, Aperto e Flessibile, Alta Produttività, pronto al futuro, privo di rischi, Sviluppo Rapido Smart for Business – You have a lot of PowerBuilder code. Your skill set is honed. Powerfully affect your bottom line by bringing your applications into the future today with PowerBuilder 11.1. Deploy them to .NET out of the box with no new technology learning curve – just PowerBuilder. Open and Flexible – PowerBuilder provides open support for your RDBMS of choice as well as for deploying to your platform of choice. You can easily build and deploy client/server, Smart Client or .NET Webform applications. You can even provide solutions for “occasionally connected” Tablet PC applications. One tool does it all, solving your data-driven application development needs on the desktop, Web and in distributed environments. Highly Productive – Time is money. Build your applications in just days or weeks, not months or years. Deliver robust business applications quickly and easily, and leverage patented DataWindow technology for nearly code-free data access. New in 11.1 is the ability to develop for .NET with incremental rebuild functionality, so you can more quickly bring your client/server application to .NET. Future Proof, Risk Proof – PowerBuilder is a proven, time-tested technology. Minimize your development risk and incorporate new and emerging technologies into your applications. PowerBuilder abstracts complex new technologies and makes them easy to use, so you can easily extend your applications into the future with little risk. RAD Development – PowerBuilder’s 4GL IDE is replete with hundreds of built-in functions and properties that reduce the amount of coding required. Le funzionalità già incluse in PowerBuilder 10: Supporto Unicode –– i progettisti software possono scrivere facilmente applicazioni internazionali XML Web DataWindow –– la DataWindow di Sybase è stata riprogettata e messa a punto per raggiungere maggiori performance, scalabilità e possibilità d’uso. Supporto a Microsoft .NET –– semplifica l’accesso ai dati .NET data e alle olle operazioni complesse su database con le interfaccie ADO.NET. Supporto a Microsoft’s Active Accessibility® Interface –– i progettisti software possono ora facilmente costruire applicazioni per utenti finali disabili. Reingegnerizzazione di applicazioni e modellazione di oggetti –– i progettisti software possono effettuare il reverse engineer di applicazioni per nuovi utenti in architetture differenti grazie a un plug-in per PowerDesigner.
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